
Black spots on leaves

Sooperdooperstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello, I'm having some strange deficiency on my NL auto plants. I'm getting dark spots on many of the leaves and I'm not sure what's causing it, I water with ph 6.1 right now and have been providing biobizz nutrients any help identifying what's wrong would be really appreciated!
Week 5
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Leaves. Other
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
scope under leaf for any tiny creepy-crawlies... Could be nute-related to. I'd get that pH up to ~6.8 or so in soil. That may fix the problem. Then re-assess. if it takes a major nosedive while maintaining regular fertilization and bringing pH up, obviously change course and disregard what i say. If they are reddish or rusty dots, it could be Mg deficiency... but you also need to rule out lockout from feeding too much of any p/k/ca/s. So, if yo know the ppms of what you provide you can make a more precise guess as to what course of action to take. get that pH proper first... solves a ton of problems on its own. Ensure no dry pockets when watering.. get it fully saturated and that takes a little runoff even if in soil. (soilless 20% runoff, full strenght nutes everytime -- i mention in case what i say has tunnel vision.. different ways of growing require slightly different practices at times)
Selected By The Grower
MaxGrowCanadaanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi friend, Brown spots progressing from the bottom of the plant upwards usually indicates a magnesium deficiency. In soil, magnesium is not readily absorbed below a ph of 6. Testing your runoff when you water is a good way to see if your medium if bringing your ph down below magnesiums threshold. Try bumping that ph up a bit, especially if you notice your run off below 6.2, maybe trying watering closer to 6.8. Hope this helps,
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