Hi, sorry to say, but your photos are not the best quality to be able to give you a 100% opinion. Photo #2 seems to look like a nearly ready to harvest stage, as only the newest pistils seem to be white. When you can judge that it is only the newest pistils are white and most of the older pistils have browned off, this would be my favourite time to harvest. Leaving the flowers until all the pistils have browned off will give you lees "high" and a more "sleepy" effect, as peak THC production has passed. Harvesting while there are more white pistils than brown pistils will result in a more clear headed effect and not the heavy effect of late harvest flowers. So it depends on which sort of stone you prefer. Also, judging a plants "ripeness" by looking at trichome colour only, can be misleading, as some strains have very few cloudy/amber trichomes, while some have golden/honey coloured trichomes very early in flower. I have found the pistil colour method much simpler, and with experience you will be able to find what works best for you. You could harvest progressively, harvesting some at approx. 75% brown, 80% brown, 85% brown and 90% brown, to find which you prefer and use those results as a guide for your next grow. Hope this helps.