I would suggest plant 2 is ready to harvest and plants 1 & 3 are nearly ready. Plant 2 will only go down in quality if you leave her much longer, all the pistils seem to be brown already, which means she is now close to dying. Plant 2 might be more impressive as it is closer to the lights, as compared to the tied down plants. Tying down plants, has in my experience, never caused anything strange to occur. The plants generally recover in under one hour without any problems. I would put the differences down to the simple fact that plant 2 was/is closer to the light. Plants 1 & 3 will probably need 7 - 10 days more before starting their flush. Try harvesting when there are only 5-10% of white pistils left and the other 85-90 % have browned off, this is when the THC is at its highest quality.
Hopes this helps.... Organoman.