Frigaultanswered grow question 4 years ago A plant in vegetatuve stage won't be afectted be this single event alone. Surebits not great because libger dark period in vegetative stage can cause plant to stretch... On the other hand if a light turn on during flowering or dosen't turn of it can have significant stress and cause the plant to partly revege tho rare on first event. It can cause the fliwering plant to start growing single blade leaf in the bud and strech making the bud very wierd looking.. olant din't have a biological ckock to tell them... ""Hey man i was suoose to revive light 1 hours ago fuck this i' gonna gros some balls"... its more a series of event during flowering that causes these stress. Like open doors, obvious light leaks.. light on for too long . The vegetative stage is more forgiving... Itvtakes a few days of steady light drops to ignite flowering..