
Yellow leaves

Mr_Wilsonstarted grow question 4 years ago
My leaves are turning yellow it's a autoflower at 8 weeks is it about done or am I missing something?
Week 8
Leaves. Color - Yellow
DEVS_GENETICSanswered grow question 4 years ago
I just looked at your diary. Bro toss that bag of miracle grow straight down the garbage. It’s burning the shit out of it and probably will effect your yield in the end. Use Gaia green organics. Hope this helped you. Please like my weeks on my diaries
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DEVS_GENETICSanswered grow question 4 years ago
Not the best picture but at 8 weeks it’s coming to the end of its life cycle, but it looks like it’s re acting to your fertilizer. What are you feeding her and did you get brown burn spots throughout the grow?
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Yes, Miracle Grow 15-30-15 is no where near what cannabis needs. Next time buy proper cannabis nutrients, GHE make Flora Nova Grow and Flora Nova Bloom that are really good and also easy to use as they are complete and require only one bottle of each with no mixing with other bottles of supplements. They are also rather concentrated, so one bottle will last multiple grows. 24 hours of light is also not good, 18/6 is far more plant friendly, as believe it or not, but plants actually do need to "sleep" and undertake certain metabolic processes that it can not do during the lights on cycle. At this stage there is not much that can be done to rescue this plant and seeing as she is rather close to harvest, I would be giving her only plain water and giving her some "time out" by reducing the light cycle to 18/6. This may just save her THC quality. If you think about it, 24 hours of light is basically plant "torture". No plant on Earth has ever grown with continuous light, 24 hours a day for weeks/months/years on end. Cannabis can only grow so much in any 24 hour period and for cannabis, this period is 18 hours. After 18 hours you are basically wasting electricity due to the fact that cannabis can only grow so much and remember, they also need to sleep so they can "repair" themselves. Constant light deprives the plant of this "repair" time and is no doubt a contributing factor to why your plant now looks like it does, combined with the inappropriate nutrient you have been using. During flowering cannabis needs something like 2-4-6 and nowhere near the 15-30-15 of Miracle Grow. Things to keep in mind for your next grow! Hope this helps,..... Organoman.
Stonerdanswered grow question 4 years ago
Seems like the Potassium (K) deficiency from the last question got more serious here, plus some signs of Iron (Fe) and Magnesium (Mg) deficiencies - Lower foliage develops tip and margin yellowing and chlorosis (Burn), mid-top foliage with interveinal chlorosis (leaves turn yellow while veins remain green. This is not normal!! When growing cannabis for yields foliage should remain green throughout the whole cycle!! flushing or leaving leaves to yellow and die will only harm yields and growth time! Provide your plant with a proper nutrition for the whole grow and you'll see much better results. Hope this helps! Good luck and happy growing :)
Chubbsanswered grow question 4 years ago
What it looks like she's doing is pulling all the necessary nutes from the bigger fan leafs. You could give it a feeding of nutes but I'd probably just keep a close eye at let it finish up. Happy Growing
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