
It's the start of wk.6 if I may please get a ...

Darktidestarted grow question 4 years ago
It's the start of wk.6 if I may please get a check on harvest timeline and also double check that the pistils are not bananas to my untrained eyes. Thank you :)
Week 15
Buds. Other
Other. Harvest - Drying
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
To me, these flowers look ready to harvest right now, as this is my preferred level of maturity/ripeness and will produce a more clear and positive high. Leaving the plant for another 5-7 days will result in a heavy, sleepy and lethargic type of stone. It is up to you and your preferred effect, but any much longer and you will end up with a rather degraded THC quality due to your plants metabolism having nearly stopped by now, causing the THC to break down into CBD and CBN, which produce the heavy drowsy effect. Either way, harvest in the morning time, putting them in darkness for more than a night will just slow her metabolism even further, resulting in even more THC breaking down. For an insight as to what "bananas"/ male flowers look like, go to my diary "cannabis conundrums" and here you will see pictures of male flowers, bananas/male stamens, as well as other weird and wonderful pictures of some of the things cannabis plants are capable of doing. Hope this helps,..... Organoman.
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Selected By The Grower
Robertsanswered grow question 4 years ago
At week 15 you should be good to flush and fade unless you had issues in other weeks. Just from looking and zooming in on pictures the trichromes heads are cloudy. I would say start the flush and fade. 2 weeks. Last few days total darkness. Then cut. Good luck and enjoy the smoke. Looks delicious. Happy growing 🌲🌲🌲👊💨💨💨
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Weezy90answered grow question 4 years ago
Hi ! Hij draait al even mee en ziet er op het zicht klaar uit om te oogsten. Maar..check de trichomen het beste met een microscoop vergroting x60 of wat je in huis hebt, alleen zo kan je het echt weten dat je toppen een goede potentie THC hebben. Ik zie trouwens geen bananen, het is een prachtig vrouwtje!😁 Succes met de oogst!🌱
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