
Bad soil can i change the soil halfway? 20lt pot 5th Week stunned grow for 2-3weeks. Not gonna give up on her might aswell kill her trying?

OneDropOfTHCstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is it a bad idea to repot her with new soil, as one of my regulares had to be repot. I tryed to remove old soil, and gave her new soil, and she improved even more than this one who only got the ph fixed with vinegar. But the regular was on a 1lt pot. Thank you!
Other. Mold
Snoikeanswered grow question 4 years ago
It looks like transplant shock to me. Take a mist bottle with a very low dose of Miracle Grow plant food. Mist the underside of the leaves and take her out of the direct light. Continue the misting for a couple of days and slowly move her back into the direct light.
OneDropOfTHCanswered grow question 4 years ago
@Snoike, Sry bro its not transplant shock ^^ The transplant was 2 weeks ago and she did grew few days after the transplant. The problem is the ph od the the soil and quality, as she improved with the right ph water.The problem is the soil's ph is way too off balance and vinnegar might not be enough to fix it. I have new soil, i just need to figure out if its better to dig her up change the soil, or try to fix the current soil. Thanks you for you time and fell free to give any more tips! :D
OneDropOfTHCanswered grow question 4 years ago
Damn forgot to post the link, its late sry. Here: This guy is changing from soil to hydro
OneDropOfTHCanswered grow question 4 years ago
If i go with the removing soil option should i do like this guy to remove the soil? Or just leave waht i cant take out and use the rest fresh soill? Thanks in advance!
OneDropOfTHCanswered grow question 4 years ago
She is though so dont tell me to discard her because we are both not ready yet! She is teaching me all the way! The first one is the one on a 20lt pot and the second one is the regular who fell down and i had to change repot her, so i changed the soil. She grew twice as much as the first one, who is on bad soil. My solutions: Either, Dig her up carefully change the soil or keep feeding her with ph 6.0 till the soil get's good ph, give her peroxyde for molds and hopefully the perlite will fluff out the place a bit, and the medium will start giving nutrients to her, because i know for a fact that theres nutrients in that soil, along with a bunch of crap that should be, but thats out of the point! The point is FIgh! Learn! Fix! Try! Thank you for your time and knowledge!
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