As the grower has stated its all about your personal; preference and also what you want to achieve when growing if you crop a plant when most the trike are cloudy and only a small section is amber I fear you are loosing alot of potential growth the plant will make in its most important part of its life cycle this in turn will cause you too loose alot of weight in final yeild when a few exta weeks can be the difference between 1-2 ounces or 4-5 patience is the name of this game I find though I am like you I dont want my bud to be weak i want it at peak potency in order to get what im buying from the breeder though its a trade of like a catch 22 situation you can sacrafice yield for speed but overall the degrading of THC into CBN is not really noticable at all by any user in the world so personally I let them finish and fatten up as much as possible before cropping and if i see new growth all the better she can just go for longer aslong as i see no attempts at her trying to self pollinate I would flower a plant maybe 6 weeks after the breeders recommendation and I can tell you what the medicine you get from that is hella far from being weak lol but its your plant your rules my friend you do as you please :)