
Humidity packs boveda after drying for 2 weeks?

Faegrowsstarted grow question 3 years ago
I'm harvesting her on Friday after 2 days of darkness. She is being flushed right now. Afterwards she will be left alone in a dark room to dry for 2 weeks as I'm away with an average of 65% HR usually. Does she needs rehydration afterwards, which humidity % pack would you advise?
Week 20
Other. Harvest - Curing
BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hello, 55% is what you're looking for. I used a 62% Boveda pack once and found my bud a little too damp and moved to some 55% from another manufacturer. I think Boveda do a 58% and 49%. Not sure about in between. but either of those would be good.
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Selected By The Grower
MrStinkyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey dude, you leaving for 2 weeks soon yeah? I suggest leaving tjem drying in good conditions - 21oC / 62% RH - when you get back after drying 2 weeks, put the buds in 1L jars about 3/4 full with 1 humidity pack and, if you can find / afford a tiny hygrometer only so you can see the rh inside the jars. You may have to leave the jars shut for a day or two before burping for the first time just to allow some moisture to work its way back into the buds :)
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Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 3 years ago
I use 62% Bovida. The 58% or 62% or whatever is going to be a preference. I have 12 month old Gold Leaf in 62% Bovida and it's still just as fresh as the day I put it in.
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Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 years ago
Nope I keep boveda in forever until I’m done smoking it. Even as just a consumer. All my weed has a Boveda in the container with my strain. I hang on to 25 strains at a time. A quarter lasts a long time. I had an ounce of weed last me 16 months. Keep boveda in and keeps it at the right humidity and never any mold issues.
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