@ezzjaygrows @gmslave Thanks for your help. Okay. Well, it was my first harvest ever. There doesn't seem to be any rot, so that was goal #1. I'm happy about that.
I also vaped (V-Tower) a bud I ground up yesterday, and it wasn't a horrible smoke. Created good thick vapor. The smell is about 50% grass, 50% weed, so it kinda tastes that way. It gets me stoned in a nice way, which I attribute to the strain. I got that euphoric feel I'm always looking for (I use weed to treat anxiety/depression while allowing for creativity. Growing is an attempt to have fun while saving money on the meds.) It might have lost some potency, but it yielded 4 oz. Four ounces would last me over 5 months with normal potency, so I should have enough to carry me to the next harvest, if there is one (about 70 days away) which was all I was ever asking for. I mean, if I grow another 4-5 ounces of high potency with this grow I'm doing now, I'll be set enough to stop growing for a couple months. Nice problem to have except that I enjoy growing. LOL.
I'm humble to the notion that my first dry/cure might not go perfectly. And if it had been perfect, it would have only been luck.
I'm going to start burping daily now. Just to see what that does. 10 minutes a day. Best to take this whole growing thing like a science experiment. It's what makes this fun. So that's the strategy I'm going to take for now.
Might not result in anything, but better to do a little something than nothing.