It may require some slow exposure to sun. It may be too intense at first -- watch for light burn and wilting.
Going indoor -> outdoor is the safer transition. While you do have to contend with adjusting to intensity of light, going the opposite way often brings insects and microbes from outside into your indoor garden.. and that can be a problem that lingers. So, just ease it into sun and observe it... it'll becomes robust with time, if not immediately.
One thing to consider -- how much daylingt? (really, darkness is the key)
if the plant gets 10hours or more of uninterrupted darkness, it will obviously go into bloom -- make sure if it does, your night hours remain long enough for the entire bloom length needed.
can google sunrise/sunset times for area, then add another 30-45 mins x2 for dusk+dawn to light hours.
Let's say you move it outside and after ~5 weeks of bloom it no longer has 10+ hours of darkness... this will cause a revege for sure. how many weeks can you allow? maybe 1-2 or you will definitely grow pollen sacs or see onset of vegetative growth toward end of attempted flower.
This is a dark-dependent plant. whether by our indoor power timers or the sun, it needs 10+ hours of darkness for a hormonal shift to cause bud development... take that a way and it will re-vege in short order.