
Flush??? Help please

Highway93started grow question 3 years ago
Leute muss ich anfangen mit ausspülen?? Habe 4-5 bronze trichome entdecken können und fast alle sehen für mich michlig/wolkig aus ist mein erster grow bitte um schnelle hilfe( purple haze auto)
Buds. Other
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 3 years ago
In my personal opinion you have a long way to go before i would start to flush this plant. I would say atleast 3 weeks or 2 weeks and then flush at the very least some trikes will go amber fast but they wont be very large or mature despite the amber top there are a few more things to consider rather than just looking at the trikes and the pistils are probably the best way at guagueing when to harvest that along with the smell of the plant I would not chop a plant down if i didnt see the pistils mostly brown and curling back into the bud. This is a nice plant already keep in mind that plants will put on the majority of weight and mass in the last few weeks of flower its how they grow trying to get large to attract male pollen and reproduce so these last weeks are vital for your yield you could crop her now and I bet she would be nice but by keeping her on longer you have so much more to gain :) though this is your plant bro your choice :) 👊
Selected By The Grower
Highway93answered grow question 3 years ago
Danke für deine so Detailreiche Antwort bruder, ich will natürlich den bestmöglichen ertrag raus holen aber will zu gleich auch nicht das meine pflanze thc verlust hat. Wenn du 2-3 wochen sagst meinst du also das ich erst in einer woche spülen/flush sollte? Weil man sollte ja mindestens 1 woche spülen, ist das richtig? Also komme ich wenn ich 1 woche warte und 1 woche spüle auf insgesamt 2 woche wie du mit auch empfiehlst.
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Highway93answered grow question 3 years ago
Weisst du vllt wann das bei mir laut den bildern passieren wird? Ich will 20% braune haben wenn ich ernte
Danger90946answered grow question 3 years ago
Hello friend, I usually start my flush when most of the pistils hairs turn about 50 percent brown which usually happens around week six of flower. You can also check this link I used
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