I'd let them go. As Dr. Green Thumb says, get some fan on her which will thicken the stem and get it strong enough to support itself. I have had a few that come out super tall and end up falling over as the second set of leaves come out, but they pull themselves up as they grow.
For the PPFD, this is something I've been trying to fine tune. It's hard to to judge by brightness as plants don't see light like we do. I am using an app on my phone (I think I paid a few bucks for it), its called LightSpectrum Pro and I am fairly confident that its accurate. I have not tested this against a proper spectrometer but I checked my mars hydro TS 1000 and the PPFD value was within 200 umol of what the manufacture reported. I had the same results against my new spider farmer light. Long story short it gives a good gauge on what the plant is seeing better than judging this based on our eyes alone. It also gives you a relative idea of how much the intensity changes with just one inch difference, I was surprised.
For seedlings, you want a PPFD around 100 - 200 for seedling / clones, up to 550 for veg and up to 800 for flowering. Some research shows plants can take up to 1,500 umol in flower, but this is with supplemental CO2.
From my experience, I have found the best success in keeping things relatively consistent from start to finish, not making major changes. If you start your plants out at 24 inches away at 100%, and have it down to 18 inches by week 3 (as the plant grows up) and then 12 inches by flowering, you should not have any significant light issues.