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Do you have a solution to stop the growth of stems?

VulKrifstarted grow question 2 years ago
Apparently this would be due to a lack of light and stress because of the too high temperature. I exposed them in a brighter place and I controlled the temperature to a maximum of 25/26°C. It doesn't seem to stop... How can I repair the damage? Is it too late? Thanks in advance.
Plant. Too tall
Setup. Seedling
nonick123answered grow question 2 years ago
Como te dicen los compañeros tienes una falta de luz directa muy importante, de ahí el estiramiento Mi consejo: - Transplanta a macetas altas de 2 o 3 litros - Entierra casi todo el tallo al hacer el transplante. Deja sólo dos o tres centímetros de tall fuera del sustrato - Dales luz! Dos opciones: 1 - Si van a exterior y la temperatura ambiente no superan los 25 grados Celsius, sacalas a la luz evitando SIEMPRE las horas centrales del día (de 12 a 16) 2 - Si no puedes controlar esto, hazte con una luz led básica de 50w (en sitios como aliexpress las tienes por 20 euros) o hazte con bombillas CFL de crecimiento Suerte y pregunta lo que necesites!
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Selected By The Grower
Newbie87answered grow question 2 years ago
Your light is to far away & those pots are far to small. You need a gentle fan blowing to strengthen the stems.
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m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
they stretch like that when the light is to far away or not intense enough. Increase the density of the light and introduce a fan on the next batch. These ones are so stringy they will snap and not make it if left on their own, will need some major support. Good Luck!
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