if intensity is drasticalyl different... it'd be like taking an indoor plant and putting it in direct sunlight... wilting is likely to occur.
Doesn't mean it can't adapt to it.. a little trial and error as you ramp up intensity... try to make notes of your distance from canopy and %-power if it has a dimmer... it will make adjusting over time easier if you know what you previously used and what resulted. Remember what you use for seedlings, young vege, mature vege and after 12/12 flip, if a photoperiod. hours of use is obviously proportionally important too.
when you hear "you need 150% more light in bloom" that's relative to 18hours vs 12 hours of light... not because teh plant changed or needs more... it can still handle the same energy per 24 hours, relative to environmental factors -- temp, RH% and atmospheric CO2.
it's difficult to say 'do this with your light" because there are many variables to account for. Use the plant's behaviour to dictate what you do with light.. too mcuh stretch needs more. The opposite needs less. If what you see is caused by change of intensity, reduce and slowly increase until you run into issues again... make sure it recovers before drawing conclusions from what you see. find the 'edge' and step back a bit, figuratively speaking..