
Transplanting autoflowers?

Tubington9started grow question 3 years ago
Has anyone had poor experience transplanting autos? I know i should plant directly in to their final container, currently don’t have the space but would like to start some in maybe even 2 gallon pots then transplant in to 5 gallon?
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
If you don't have the space use the next best thing you have or wait a bit. I have had both good and bad experiences with transplanting autos. Mot recently they went into flower a bit to soon and seemed to be in a bit of a shock first week after transplant not growing at all. If you going to do it, you need to be super gentle and avoid any stresses at all. Or just give lots of feed in the 2gal buckets an see how big you can get them. Best Of Luck!
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PTrainanswered grow question 3 years ago
I wouldn't, IMO If you let it go much longer than 2 weeks you will have issues moving from a 2 gallon pot the roots will suffer in a pot that big if you try to move them over. m0use- "Or just give lots of feed in the 2gal buckets an see how big you can get them"
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 3 years ago
its fine to transplant them mate just try not to damage the roots and its always best to do any transplanting just before lights off or Sun down
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CannaDiaries420answered grow question 3 years ago
High @Tubington9 Personaly i dont transplant them. i just dont like it that there is always a change that someting goes wrong. I use soil pads. they fill up with water and expand so you can put the seed in there and directly in youre final pot with soil. An option what i will try next grow is biodegradable plant bags, give it a google!
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