Hi Growfam ,got my prize from MarsHydroLed ,inline fan is up and running really good,I did quick set up like in pic.3 is it ok? any pros/cons ,how’s yours ,or should I change it ?
I'd try and point it in the centre of the tent vs the wall.
but otherwise it looks good.
Confirm its fittings are secure and wont loosen with vibration.
I have mine setup like option 1 in your photo. I like it all to be in the tent and nothing outside.
Good Luck!
You want to be sucking or drawing air through the filter. So you want image 1 or 2. If you have curves or bends you restrict airflow. I would go with image 2.WOOOOO!!!!!
Using #1 for about 1 year now , seems fine for me .
All of them are valid and should act the same , I'm guessing some of them are if you don't have plenty of space and you just need fan and/or filter outside tent .
Which works for you it's fine
I always thought the filters were meant to be pulled thru the exterior and inside , rather than what appears to be pushed thru the inside and out the exterior of the filter.
But if it says to do it like that than I guess you’re good