that type of tip burn has multiple causes. It helps to know what you have given the substrate until this point to help resolve. k-def, p-tox, s-tox or def -- at least intiially.. some of those do present different issues that allow you to pick it out
soilless? soil? etc.. if hydro or soilless, should be super easy to figure it out with a little bit of math.
good thing is it looks like it is progressing slowly. Grab a leaf symptom chart from google image search. start reading over it everytime you have a symptome... see what the possibilities are, then consider your behaviour regarding that particular plant... if you don't understand what you have fed the plant, you can't make an educated guess as to what is wrong in many situations..
pH needs to be in correct ranbe too. 5.8-7 won't kill anything, but a more optimal target is wiser. soil around 6.5 to help availability of certain molecules, and 6ish for hydro/soilless since that stuff is already chelated and ready for the plant...
a pH swing can require a different ratio of nutes to maintain balance in plant due to how it impacts 'avialability' for lack of a more accurate way to describe it... changes rate of use in plant one way or another... ask a real chemist for more details of why that is :P
The real tricky part is when someting is locking other things out or pH swings... you can see symptomes for problems that you DO NOT have. This is even more reason why you need to understand what you give your plant before you see a problem. Always check pH first. It's not an exact method. Runoff can be off for any number of reasons compared to what is in actually in the medium. It tells general direction the pH of what you feed moves toward... if it is lower or higher than what you dump in, good chance the medium is a bit futher out in that direction that what you read... but other factors will impact the accuracy of these measurements too.
ppm calculator. guaranteed analysis labels can be trusted. if not, it's a horrible company to avoid like the plague.. assume they are unprofessional in all other areas too :P