I see that you just entered flowering phase so its normal. Everything change when your plant entering flowering. Suddenly they need lotsa more nute and I'm pretty sure you just started to raise their nutes intake so u shouldn't be worrying too much it will be worse. This look like a potassium deficiency if I were just to guess it from picture. But it might also be like the one I had recently with my plant which is CALC lockout from excessive N. I gave my plant calmag every watering with bigdose (5ml) after worrying seeing some spot like yours and it didn't occur to me that giving it more will cause more spot because of excessive N because calmag also contain some N . So I flushed it, stop watering until it dries and then start to water back with micro dose of calmag (0.5ml).. but in your case, nothing to worry and try not to do drastic thing like flushing unless it really got worse. Just take note of your N intake..the colouration of your leaf is heading to that problem (N excess). You are just in your 1st week of flowering. You will likely to see more coming until it slows down. I'm just an amateur grower so don't take just one observation to relate ur case :)