
Yellow bottom leaves/brown spots on bottom leaves

Spliffliciousstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hi guys, So 4 or 5 bottom leaves of my 7thWeek autoflower looked like this and I ripped them off. Is that ok or did I harm her? Anyway, is that a Calcium def? Should I give her some CalMag? Could it be something else? Besides this, the general condition of the plant is good. Tx!
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Leaves. Other
MantisMananswered grow question 4 years ago
If they’re all the way at the bottom it’s just from being light starved and/or getting nutrient water poured over it. The bottom leaves will naturally do that on most plants so cannabis is no different. As long as it’s just a few leaves here and there and it doesn’t spread upward you are fine to just pick them off. In fact she’ll probably appreciate the extra light and airflow down there!
rhodes68answered grow question 4 years ago
Yep Cal spots and Mag stripes If PH checks out then yes adding cal-mag is right, would start low and work up
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
привет, друг! 👋 это фосфорное голодание так проявляется в растении. это последствие большой концентрации азота (N) в поливе! тебе необходимо сделать корректировку: - pH Perfect Micro 1ml/l - pH Perfect Grow 0 ml/l( убираешь его вообще!!!!) - pH Perfect Bloom 3ml/l - Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.5ml/l - Bud Candy 2ml/l - Big Bud 1ml/l - B-52 1ml/l Удачи, друг!
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