Keep checking your trichomes like you are already doing and dont jump the gun, it can get really exciting when they are close
Order one of these to hang your plants from
Decide of you want to wet or dry trim. If you have big dense buds I recommend the wet trim, if they are smaller do the dry trim. you dont want them to dry to fast!
Never have fans directly on the plants but have air movement in the drying area.
When you can cleaning snap the smaller stems it is done drying. They will feel very dry at this point.
Get some humidity packs at 62%
Get some glass jars. Make sure you are not stuffing one jar full, you want them have to have some space, I usually only fill 3/4 of the way.
Get a mini hygrometer these will help with monitoring the humidity in the jar, You want to hold 62% burping helps get the moisture out until the jar holds the 62%
Once my jars are holding 62% plus or minus some make sure they are in a dark cool area and let them sit for awhile to cure. I usually leave mine for a minimum of a month.