Money, lots of it.
m0use forgot - a willingness to accept failure and the ability to learn from failure,
- don't expect to get everything correct for years, if ever,
- killer results are to be earned, not expected.
And my biggest tip - DO NOT skimp on quality of components, cheap crap = cheap results!
Start with the best "ingredients", including the seeds and/or soil mix and lighting and nutrients if you want the best results.
Buy the best lights you can afford and if you can't afford good lights, wait until you can before you grow. Buy once, cry once!
Listen to your intuition and don't get obsessed with forums/bro science/youtube videos/gossip/know it alls. Trust in yourself and tune into your plants.
Write EVERYTHING you do down in a dedicated diary and write it straight after you do it, memory fades very quickly and having a diary will let you know what not to do again.
Learning is not a quest of what to do, but a series of lessons in what not to do!
Don't defoliate, your plant needs every healthy green leaf it has to make the energy it needs to grow its biggest and fastest.
18/6 is optimum for autos and photoperiod plants in vegative growth.
Cannabis NEEDS sleep and never grow at 24/0.
Don't be greedy and don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Plants are unique, individual organic beings, not machines to be thrashed within an inch of their lives for sheer profit.
Love your plants and they will love you.
Failure is a successful lesson in what not to do, and mistakes will be common.
Allow your plants to do their thing, do not try to hurry things along (we all hate pushy people!) trying for results over plant health.
Embrace organic growing if you want the tastiest pot!
Also, you need the ability to observe and react accordingly.
Go easy on the feeding, half strength is mostly more than enough.
It is very easy to rescue a slightly underfed plant, but very, very hard to rescue a badly burnt and overfed plant!
Have respect for your plants, treat them like they are your children.
Mycorrhizae are a woder ingredient in any grow and should be compu;lsory!
Never be afraid to ask a question, the only dumb question is the one you don't ask!
Never compare your grow with anybody elses grow; experience, environment and plant genetics all differ and are unique to each situation.
There will always be someone better than you and there will also always be someone less fortunate.
And finally, most importantly, grow with love!
Hope this helps, Organoman.