I agree with everything
@gottagrowsometime said - but will add that these babies need to be put into their final pot! Autos do not like to be transplanted but starting them in plugs is fine as you don't disturb the roots when you put them in their final grow pot. At this point, their roots are probably coming out the bottom and are desperately looking for somewhere to go!
The other thing about autos is that they just don't need nutes for a week or two, some wait even longer to give them food... they're called AUTOflowers for a reason... programmed to just do their thing. When you DO start nutes, only give them about 1/4 of the recommended dose, the next time you feed (you should always do plain water between feedings), you can increase to 1/2 dose, etc...
I know waiting until they're bone dry is a bit stressful to YOU (and me) but believe it or not, the plant likes it. Overwatering is a scourge and having wet feet will make them VERY unhappy. The reason is the roots need oxygen and sopping wet soil doesn't allow oxygen to get in to them. Pot them up (preferably in fabric pots as they ALSO help supply oxygen), give them a little bit of water and relax... And DO start a diary so we have more information when you have another question! Good luck with your grow - the plant in your second photo looks really good - and the others will behave and do you proud.