@Roberts Yessir. I made sure to have runoff everytime I watered, especially when flushing. I sometimes even had a bit too much runoff and needed to clean around the bottom of the tent. 😅
Yeah, definitely not mold. I've been quite afraid of encountering pests/mold and mildew, so it's definitely something I'd see, honestly it looks and smells great, just really lacking in the taste department.
That's fair, I wasn't aware of that in regards to Sour Diesel curing times. I'm hoping curing does remove this bad-chemical flavor to release that flavor I know and love. The initial hit tastes great, but after blowing out the smoke, it's clearly got that harsh, nasty after-taste. Have been continuing to cure it despite the issues since it does get me plenty high, I'm just really big on taste is all.
Thanks to you both for the additional input.