I absolutely adore cannabis plants and will grow them forever, even if I had to give every harvest away at the end!
I feel a special bond with these plants which boderlines on an osession, I just admire them and my life would not seem complete unless there is any chance to being able to grow them.
I spend hours just sitting there and looking at them and when I get up in the morning I am genuinely excited to see them.
I also talk to them and play them classical music and regard them as my "children", such is my love for them.
I also get anxious at harvest time, ending their lives and knowing that I won't be able to tend to them any more.
I also grow them outdoors at weird times throughout winter, knowing they will never really perform, but just to have them around and to be able to care for them. Without a living cannabis plant around, there seems to be "something" missing from my life.
Yes, I am obsessed with them and have been for close to 40 years now, and hopefully another 40 odd years, if I live that long!
I do not however smoke in front of them, something a bit like not eating steak in front of your pet cow, I supose.
So far I have spent nearly my whole life being fascinated by cannabis, no other plant compares!