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growops123started grow question 3 years ago
Under watering and over watering How can I tell if my little plants need water or if there over watered any tricks? They seem healthy and fast growing since I've been leaning on the less is more for watering....but how do you acculy tell when they need water ??
Plant. Other
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Stick your finger in the soil, if the top inch to inch and a half is dry, then they need water. Water deeply to run off (until water comes out the bottom of the pot) then don't water again until the top inch or so is dry again. Watering to run off is important for 2 reasons 1- it helps to prevent nutrient salts from building up, and 2- it is the only way to know that the soil/substrate is moistened all the way to the bottom, where the roots are/will be heading. Hope this helps, Organoman.
Selected By The Grower
ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 3 years ago
Lift up the pot! Light pot needs water—- heavy doesn’t!
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GoldenGromieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Overwatering is not about quantity or volume, its is more about frequency. If you water everyday, chances are you are overwatering. It shoukd be every 2nd or 3rd day depending on how much your plant drinks, the humidity, what kind of pits your using and how much airflow you got going in the tent. Honestly the best way to check is the finger test. If it is still moist on top, just dont water that day. Also if your light is putting out too much, it may look like you overwatered, try turning your lights down that helps alot too.
GrowCNanswered grow question 3 years ago
I think fabric pots are a big help. The oxygen provided to the roots greatly reduces the risk of over watering and allows you to water more heavily to insure that you moisten every bit of soil in the pot. Too much water also naturally and very freely can drain from the pot. Another big help is to raise your fabric pots on plastic, ceramic or brick "feet" so there is airflow underneath the pot. It's good for drainage and good for getting oxygen to the very bottom of the pot. There is the weight method. Get to know how heavy your pots are when dry and when fully watered. Even if the surface soil is dry, picking up the pot can tell you how much water is in the deeper soil. The finger method. For "adult" plants you might water when your soil is dry two knuckles deep. You also should listen to what your plant is saying. How do the leaves look. I personally believe that if you wait for the plant to wilt you have gone too far and harmed yield, especially with auto's.
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WeedManiacLoveanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey men, en cuanto a cuando regar yo tengo una técnica me me enseñaron viejos compañeros de cultivo, tomar el peso del macetero cuando se acaba de regar y luego cuando la parte de arriba del sustrato este 2-3cm seco y el macetero haya perdido un 70% - 80% de su peso es un buen momento para volver a regar. Cuando riegas en exceso tu planta se ve con las hojas caídas, mantener las raíces con mucho riego podría podrirlas o causar la aparición de hongos. Cuando dejas que se seque en exceso también es dañino para las raíces y tu planta, pero es necesario que se seque para que se pueda oxigenar el sustrato y tus raíces. Cuando hace mucho calor y la humedad esta baja, se pierde mucha agua por evaporación, cuando eso me pasa trato de no fertilizar en exceso ya que el agua no fue consumida por la planta. Y estoy de acuerdo contigo... menos es más... 💪
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