The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Anvil auto

3 years ago
3 years ago
I’m prepping for a nice experimental grow. I plan on growing 3 Anvil autos from Gnome genetics in a 20 gallon pot. There are worms in the center and it’s filled with food for the worms. I planted clover and covered with clover seeds. I’ll wait for the clover to start growing before I soak my seeds. This one will be fun. Still debating wether to LST or use a scrog net, a lot of time to decide that. Happy growing. Oh yeah, I used rice hulls as a mulch. 10/6 soak 3 Anvil seeds 10/7 soak jiffy’s- seeds in paper towel.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
65 %
24 °C
27 °C
26 °C
76 L
0 L
45.72 cm
Seeds popped after 24 hours in the soil. Cleaned up the 4x4 and moved this grow over. The light will stay on 25% a few days. I did randomly decide to add a 4th seed. As of today it hasn’t popped. I regret soaking it now 😬
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Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
65 %
24 °C
27 °C
26 °C
76 L
0 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 1 mll
Headed into week 2. Not a lot of changes. I did decide to sacrifice a seed to keep this grow more manageable. I turned the light up to 100% and raised it to 20”. I did water in Recharge and some left over tea from another grow. This is my first grow in a pot larger than 5 gallon. Watering is going to be a learning curve. More updates as the week passes. Ending Week 2 not a lot going on. I watered a couple of times this week added Recharge each time. I expect week 3 will show a lot of growth. 10/24 last day of week 2. I cut a tomato cage to assist with training in this massive pot. I may decide to use a net, plenty of time to decide.
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1 comment
Grow Questions
DrNickerbauckerstarted grow question 3 years ago
This is my first grow with multiple plants in 1 pot. And my first grow in a 20 gallon pot. These are autos. What is the easiest way to train these girls and spread them out?
Techniques. LST
BeautifulCraftRredditanswered grow question 3 years ago
If you know the genetics then you can top them and lst, good auto flower genetics will give you about a 3 week veg time and double In height when she hits preflower..not all will tho. Some will stay super short. But weather it's one pot or 3 it's the same training as normal.
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
10.16 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
65 %
24 °C
27 °C
26 °C
76 L
3 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 1 mll
They continue to grow. They seem very happy. Growing very slow but I suspect when those roots get established they will explode. I’m using a cheap probe to help monitor the water in the pot. I spray the top every day to keep the clover happy. I’ve added some center support for training. Also I decided to use a spare light and a corner of the tent for another little grow. Updates throughout the week. 10/28 watered in calmag with some molasses. I expect an explosion in growth soon.
Grow Questions
DrNickerbauckerstarted grow question 3 years ago
Should I start training these girls? 20 gallon pot. Gnome genetics (Anvil) my first with this strain and this large of a pot. They’re about 5” tall and very bushy. To train or not to train, that is the question?)
Techniques. LST
auto_flooanswered grow question 3 years ago
Lots of good space in there for LST ,definitely start to train soon ,they will start soon with grow,mine did the same ,keep us updated . Happy growing .
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
15.24 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
65 %
24 °C
26 °C
23 °C
76 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 1 mll
Rose & Flower Mix 4-8-4 - Down To Earth
Rose & Flower Mix 4-8-4 1 mll
Gypsum - Down To Earth
Gypsum 1 mll
11/1 beginning of a new week. They continue to grow very nicely. I suspect they will be short bushy plants based on what I’m seeing so far. Today I tied them over just a little and watered with Recharge. I’m very curious to see how they grow this week. 11/4 this big pot requires a lot of water! I decided to remove the homemade training device I’d previously installed. I’m not sure what to expect with these girls. They’re so bushy and short. If I need to train later I’ll probably use a net. 11/5 trimmed clover. We added soil around edges. Started a tea, I’m pretty sure these 3 are about to explode very soon. 11/6 I can’t make up my mind! I decided to start a little LST and see how they react.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
20.32 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
60 %
21 °C
24 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 1 mll
11/7 week 5 begins. I do expect massive growth this week. I’ve done very light training trying to open her up some. They’re so compact it’s crazy. Tucking leaves is helping but there’s not a lot of places to tuck lol. Very impressed with these girls so far. I’m still learning to water this pot, for now I’m watering when the top 6-8” are dry and misting the top daily. I expect a busy week with these girls, I’ll do updates throughout the week. I should add I’m slowly adding soil over the clover as I want to do another grow as soon as these finish in this pot. This is my way to amend the soil. It may be a terrible idea but I will see how it works! Stay tuned. 11/9 these are growing soooo slowwwwww they’re crazy healthy though. I have a feeling I’m about to be busy?? 11/10 found some training clips I bought a while back. They work very well. Nice additional option. 11/13 this week is coming to an end. A lot of LST this week, spreading the plants out to allow light penetration. Today’s day 34 and these girls are taking their time growing. I keep expecting this massive explosion that doesn’t happen. She seems happy and healthy I’ll stop guessing what’s about to happen and just watch.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
DrNickerbauckerstarted grow question 3 years ago
This 20 gallon pot is Fox Forest soil heavily amended. There are 3 plants growing and doing great. I want to plant new plants where the clover is growing as soon as these finish. My plan is to slowly add amended soil to the top. Will this work? Will the next round be successful?
Feeding. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
hey there Dr , well, you dont need to add the soil slowly, just add it all to completely cover the clovers and they'll die and start decomposing immediately. usually you want to wait a few weeks to make super soil, but if you're adding amended soil, you'll be good to right away, does that make sense? hope this helps ! 🚀
DrNickerbauckerstarted grow question 3 years ago
Any recommendations on an automatic watering system for this pot? My fear is the bottom is soaked and the top is dry. Hopefully just paranoid.
Feeding. Schedule
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
hey there Nickerbaucker, think of it this way : sometimes it doesnt rain for a month over summer and naturally grown cannabis doesnt die, so what's happening ? basically the roots are much longer than we think and they may hit an underground water feature , so it's totally fine if the bottom is soaked but the top gets dry . the problem is when there is water mold or other pests and bad stuff getting in there. that's why if you go the (much easier and doable) bottom feeding route you might want to add some beneficial bacteria in there just to make sure they regulate any kinds of mold you might get. Realistically with what you're doing you'll have to build your own "tripple ring top feeding system" or just hand water it. I use autopots, but something you can also do is put them on a deepish tray and water the tray directly, add some clayballs or perlite to prevent some of the evaporation. That sort of thing, hope this helps ! 🚀
DrNickerbauckerstarted grow question 3 years ago
Day 30. I have multiple firsts here for me, making it really fun and really odd. At day 30 I’m use to a way larger pot but in 5 gallon. Does a larger container effect early growth? These are healthy and loaded with stems ready to be buds. Or is it the genetics?
Plant. Too short
1 like
DoctorGreenThumbanswered grow question 3 years ago
The answer is all of the above. The pot size,genetics and also the companion plants. Makes for a good healthy root zone. Gl the rest of the way.
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
25.4 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
60 %
21 °C
24 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
11/14 day 35, just now showing some pre-flowers. All 3 seem a little droopy today. Not sure if the soil was a little dry or they’re about to show off. This grow has been very fun and a lot of learning. This week will be no different I’m sure. If she’s going to finish around day 75 she better start growing fast. Lol. 11/15 I believe my panic yesterday was simply the plants switching to flower. Everything is looking great today. These are probably going to be the shortest plants I’ve grown. We shall see. 11/16 All is well they seem to be getting active. I hope they stretch a little but I’m starting to think they’re going to be short bushes. Love this plant. 11/18 one of the 3 is stretching out now I really hope the other 2 do soon. I raised the light about 4” in hopes they stretch out. I am misting the top now letting the pot dry out a tad. Just texting as I go.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
DrNickerbauckerstarted grow question 3 years ago
Day 35 auto. Finally showing pre-flowers and she seems a bit droopy. Is that normal for some strains? Or did I let her get to dry? Or do I have an issue? They seemed more perky yesterday but I didn’t do anything yesterday. All organic
Plant. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey there again Dr. Nick, so you have a few problems looking up at the same time. There's been a bit of (chronic) overwatering happening, this you can see from the puffy leafs , the drooping is partially due to that aswell. This led to some kinds of root zone issue, this you can see from the drooping. The Recharge actually didnt help much, this you can see from the "too dark" aspect of the bottom leafs. The top leafs are coming in discolored, so that's an "immobile nutrient" issue, namely calmag. Cut out the recharge, get some calmag in there possibly by using epsom salt , and fix the root zone with beneficial bacteria/microbes, stopping to overwater. None of the problems are very serious yet, so even if it sounds bad, dont panic, that's how you make mistakes. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
60 %
21 °C
24 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
11/21 day 42. She’s a slow grower but they finally seem ready to explode. I watered in a tea today. Most days it’s just spraying the top. I stretched her out just a little today. 1//25 they’re looking pretty good. 1 plant looks off I think my learning process with this pot has caused overwatering. For now I’m misting the top and letting the pot dry. I hope it doesn’t effect end results and yields. 11/27 not a lot to report. Letting this massive pot dry out. I did slide some 1.25” pvc under the pot to hopefully increase air flow and help dry out pot. I’m using a moisture probe to check for soil moisture now. Why I didn’t trust it before I don’t know. Learning a lot. The plants do seem happier with each drying day.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
11/29. Nothing going on really. I drowned the freaking pot so I’ve been misting for days now letting it dry out. That’s going to be a huge costly mistake. One of the 3 still seems shocked. I have the pot sitting off the floor on pvc to help air flow. According to the moisture probe it’s slowly drying out. It’s amazing how LITTLE water they really need, lesson learned! 12/1— All 3 are coming to life it seems. Meaning the leaves are reaching for the light more, telling me the roots are FINALLY drying out. 1 needs a few more days and the soil moisture meter is telling me it’s drying out. I have decided to reuse this soil and grow 4 new plants as soon as these chop. Started those seeds today. 🍀 12/2. Realizing more and more I’ve trashed this grow. The yield and product won’t be because of anything other than my massive over watering. I haven’t watered in over a week and one plant still looks sick and droopy. Although I hate I’ve cost myself here I’ve learned an enormous about watering that’s helping in all my grows. I did top dress today in preparation for the next grow in this soil. 12/3. I decided to water tonight. It’s been about a week since I last watered. The soil meter said it was getting dry at about 10 inches deep. I added some molasses to the water. Very curious to see how they react, the one plant still looks sick. Learning a lot but ready for this one to end. I’m still debating reusing this soil or running 5 gallon pots and taking a break. We will see in a couple weeks. 12/4. They seem to be happier today. The runt even seems to have hope. I just need to finish strong and reset this mess.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
12/5. A new week. They look better than they have in weeks. Hopefully I’ve salvaged some good bud. I hope this week gives me color and weight. I’m letting the pot dry out again. Trying to find the happy spot. I’ve decided to dump this dirt. If I ever grow in a large pot again I’ll order one from GrassRoots. This cheaper pot allows the sides to dry out and led to me over-watering. Lesson learned. Outdates to come. Thx for reading. 12/6. Misting the top a little. They are looking healthier every day. 12/9. They finally seem to be somewhat dry and looking hungry. I’m brewing a tea now to water in tomorrow. Trying to salvage as much as possible.
1 like
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
12/12. Day 63. I believe I may end up with a decent yield even after trying to drowned the whole thing. Starting to see little hints of purple in there. This strain is supposed to last 65-75 days. Due to my mistakes It appears these may go longer, I’m fine with anything I get from these because the lessons are priceless. 12/13. Top soil moisture to dry for my comfort so I watered in a gallon of water tonight. From now on it’s smaller pots or grow beds. 12/14. Beginning to think I’ll be good on yield. I’ll trade an extra week or two for yield. Im not getting a strong smell from any of them, maybe my overwatering screwed that up. Lesson lessons. Im ready to harvest and move on. It’s frustrating 12/16. Colors are beginning to change into a purple. Which I believe should’ve happened earlier had I not over watered so bad early I may be weeks ahead? 12/17. Purple colors are really showing through now. Some lower leaves are beginning to yellow. I hope the fatten up some before harvest.
Grow Questions
DrNickerbauckerstarted grow question 3 years ago
Does early over-watering that causes stunting effect harvest times? This strain usually goes 65-75 days, I’m at day 67 and appear to need a few more weeks. Over-watering cause? Or a larger pot?
Plant. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
It’s very likely just the wide range of autoflowers seed to harvest time.. unfortunately it’s all over the place even if they quote a certain time frame. To illustrate this point I’d recommend just perusing the autoflower diaries on this site that have been harvested and then cross reference their breeders supposed time frame.. ppl have 60-70 days ones that go 100-120 days. Plant looks good tho I wouldn’t stress it. It’s just one of those things they don’t quite advertise - but it’s true. Good luck!
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
12/19. Day 70 from seed. They’re going to need another couple of weeks. I believe my stunting will cost time and maybe quality as I’m not smelling much from these. Oh well. Updates to come. 12/21. Purple is really showing up now! Not a lot of frost I’m sure because of my stupidity. If I get some frost and some smell I’ll be very satisfied considering. We will see. 12/25. Merry Christmas. Colors are amazing. Finally getting a little smell but not much frost.
1 like
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
12/26. New week of watching. They seem to be adding weight. Little smell and very little sticky. Valuable lessons and I’m looking forward to ending this grow! Updates to come, I hope to get a few good pictures for contests soon. 12/28. She’s pretty but definitely lacks trichomes. Oh well watering lesson learned.
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
76 L
4 L
50.8 cm
1/3. Day 85. Watering when dry. They’re finally getting frosty! And smelling some. I think I’m going to get really lucky! I did everything wrong and these genetics are going to pull me out!
Week 13. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
These genetics are simply amazing! I did everything possible to screw things up and they came through. The smoke is wonderful! Great for anxiety and sleep. The name describes the effects better than words.
Show more
Spent 93 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
196 g
Bud wet weight per plant
48.67 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Medical effects
Insomnia, Stress
Medical effects
Herbs, Nutty, Pungent

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
What a learning experience! I over watered so bad for a month. This grow taught me more about growing cannabis than any book or YouTube video I’ve ever looked at. I’ve been a habitual over waterer for a year and didn’t know. My other grows are already looking better because of the lessons I learned. There was a period of time I thought I’d trashed the entire grow and the last 2 weeks the genetics pulled me out. They got frosty and dank in 2 weeks. The smell is really odd and honestly not one I enjoy. I’m not sure if that’s the way it’s supposed to smell or if I messed something up. The important part is the smoke and I need a few days for that. I have 5 paper bags in a 65 degree room drying out. The buds are beautiful and I will definitely pop more of these seeds soon. I look forward to the smoke 💨 update. 🍀 As stated above the name says it all- Anvil- knock you out! Wipe away all cares and sleep smoke. The flavor not the best but I think that’s my fault. I’ll grow again in a 5 gallon.
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LittleJohncommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck and happy growing🌱😋💚
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@LittleJohn,thank you!
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia,thank you!
Mr_Cannuccia19commentedweek 03 years ago
Ottimo piano di crescita, non vedo l 'ora di seguire i progressi di questa opera, buon lavoro amico 😎 💪🏻
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Mr_Cannuccia19,thank you!
weed__meecommentedweek 03 years ago
I wish you a great growth 😊🍀🌱🌷
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@weed__mee, thank you!
Godesskatcommentedweek 63 years ago
Daaamn OMG. Good luck wish u all the best🤩✅
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Godesskat,lol. Ty
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 53 years ago
hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,I appreciate that. Several people have warned me against multiple plants in a pot. This breeder recommends it actually. Makes me more curious.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@DrNickerbaucker, the only way to truly know is to grow... i dont think there's anything wrong with what you're planning, but issues might arise not refreshing the soil every now and then, plus there's a few reasons you dont want multiple plants in one big pot, but like i said you know until you grow. good luck growmie ! 🚀
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I’d like to plant 3 in the void space as soon as these are chopped. Then alternate back and forth each grow. That would give these roots about 3 months to rot.
Show More (4)
Stince1981commentedweek 73 years ago
Great diary man. Love the almost daily updates. You got a new fan!
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Stince1981,thank you. Definitely looking better.
Stince1981commented3 years ago
@DrNickerbaucker, things look like they're back on the right path. Girls are looking lovely.
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Stince1981,thanks man! I appreciate that
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy growing my friend!🌱 Peace & love L.S.T
Legendaryseedthumbcommented3 years ago
@DrNickerbaucker, anytime 😁✌️🏽
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
TheStrainAlchemistcommentedweek 53 years ago
Happy growing Fellow Grower 👌💫💫💫💫 420 😉 333 🔺
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@TheStrainAlchemist,thank you thank you!
Godesskatcommentedweek 43 years ago
Everything is better with a bag of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, absolutely!
DreamITcommentedweek 03 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤘🍀🦄
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@DreamIT, thank you!
northernMikecommentedweek 133 years ago
Great Job👍.. to your question about training AUTO'S. Dr Greenthumb gave you some misinformation, Auto's have come a long ways in the past few years. I've topped and trained every auto that I grow and I consistently get harvests between 3-4 ounces and I've had a few over 4 ounces,(DRY). If you top an auto you won't get the big main cola, but you get lots of med-lrg to large sized buds if you do it correctly. Everybody has different ways of doing things, but if you want big harvests, try experimenting with these auto's and you will be rewarded for your efforts. Check out some of my diaries if you want, I'll be happy to help if you need some.. Happy New Years👊👊...
northernMikecommented3 years ago
@DrNickerbaucker, 👊, The experiments continue👍 Later!!
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@northernMike, thank man! I’ll check your diaries out! I currently have a couple growing that I topped and they’re doing great.
MrNObody_Growscommentedweek 43 years ago
Nice looking plants my friend! I have been interested in this style of growing for awhile so I will follow along. Happy growing and stay high #420 😎😎🍁🍁
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@MrNObody_Grows,thanks! So far it’s been fun and easy
Streinze_Monadirecommentedweek 23 years ago
Wish you all the best☘️💚
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Streinze_Monadire, thank you!
Cannabeast40commentedweek 03 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 😃👍🙌
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Cannabeast40, thank you!
Psilocubensiscommentedweek 133 years ago
What a great grow!! What's your conclusion on growing multiple plants on a big pot?
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Psilocubensis, thank you very much for the advise and tips. I’m always trying to learn and fine tune. My thoughts.. I really enjoyed this grow and learning experience, it will pay off for years. In the future I won’t grow in a pot this size with multiple plants for many reasons. Starting with watering, as I stated before I have a large grow bed now but it’s set up with Blumots so I don’t have to stress near as much. Moving 20 gallons of soil is not easy at all. My advice would be if you want to grow multiple plants go all in and go big. If not stick with something you can move and monitor easy. 20 gallons with autos indoors is the perfect combo to be a pain in the butt! I love the grow bed with multiple plants! Go big or stay small!
Psilocubensiscommented3 years ago
@DrNickerbaucker, Sure it's!!!!! Plant must seek for water, so the roots will expand. Also, in flower, if you water too much, roots will die from lack of oxygen (3 days and they gone), and as it's on flower, no more roots will grow, leaving you with a great plant without roots. I do believe that >50% of the grower ability is to water right. You may have a shit genetic, but if you water properly, you may take more than someone with great genetic that's watering too much. What you could do do avoid that, as you like to water, is to put more perlite on the next bag you make, and to put a layer of 3 finger of perlite on the bottom, so the roots will always have a place to breath. Also, waiting for the plant to dry and ASK for water is a great technique (for veg). On flower, you could watch and learn how long until the plant ask for water without forcing it, as flower need water more regularly, and lack of water isn't as good as in Veg. Then you note that time, and water with small amount of water right before the time it's going to ask for water. I have really hard time with watering too. I have many suculents and cactus that i train that, i let them without water, and that's too hard to me not to water them, but i realize that they almost don't need water, and that makes me feel good about not watering my other plants. I did realized that when I travel, my plant grow much more because I'm not there watering them like a aquarium. Tell me more about a great pot with multiple plants. Do you believe it's better than individual pots?
DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@Psilocubensis, I will definitely do it again. Since this grow started I started a 3x6 indoor bed that I grow multiple plants in and I really enjoy that. Learning to water correctly is key and I learned the hard way.
the end.
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