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EBxAHstarted grow question 3 years ago
Does this look hermie to you?
Plant. Other
EBxAHanswered grow question 3 years ago
Thanks @NobodysBuds! Alot of good info there! I'm keeping a close eye on it. I couldn't tell either way because of the reveg. I was definitely thinking of CS for future use because as you said, this does take alot of time. Granted, I have some to spare but not alot. I looked into how to make CS, it seems pretty easy. Though it is cheap enough to just buy, lol. I guess if it does hermie then cool and if not cool too. If not then definitely going to try CS route next time. I assume the same rules apply with autos when using CS? spray weekly when flowers form and should end up with auto seeds?
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
if you respond to someone in the questions, use @ with the screenname so it gives anotifiaction. i randomly re-read this one.
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
check out sigmund-aldritch recipe for Silver Thiosulfate. Can pay 1/10th the price of pre-mix or kits out there. Super simple procedure. Best option for making feminized seeds. it interferes with the hormone receptors or something akin to that... so, it's better than finding a plant that will willingly herm under stress as that's not a great trait... obviously you can use one that took a shit-ton of stress and i'm sure that works well but also takes a hell of a lot more time. (can't use the pollen donator plant after STS application... the pollen is safe but the buds are no longer safe to smoke.) i don't see any male bits. i think i see a pistil or 2. i see some funky vegetation which will last for a period of time while it re-veges. axillary growth will explode for 2-3 weeks. either way, need more time to see the sacs develop in some buds or the preflowers, if it happens.
EBxAHanswered grow question 3 years ago
To Nobody's Buds: it was a reveg. I had kick it into flower but after close to 3 weeks I noticed nothing so I switched back. Right after I did that I did see some white hairs. So then I got to thinking: let's test the genetics and see what It would take to force hermie. So after that i put it outside, that was back in April and i live in northern New York so it was still cold. That was stresser number 2. Then I super cropped the hell out of it. Stresser number 3. I think it might actually hermie but I don't know yet. If you see what I see, which I think you do, then yes she will turn and I'll have a shit ton of seeds!!! That's what I was going for, for future use/experiments and save some money. I have a few more seeds left and I really like how she takes to outside so I might do those at another location. My wife and I have 5 going on right now, autos and in a 5x5x6 tent indoors: wedding cake, gelato, zkittles, early miss, and fucking incredible. All about them Plant Vibes baby 🤘 Happy Growing Homie
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NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
is this a re-vege? doesn't look like a mass of 'grapes' but also don't see any pistils. some deformity in growth present. As long as you watch it... this doesn't happen overnight. It takes time for male or female parts to grow and be functional. So, keep observing and you'll get your answer long before you have to worry about potential fertilization. If something like this sneaks up on a grower it is 100% their lack of attention. female preflowers will be a nub in a nook of any growth node. it will eventually project a white hair from the top. This can happen befoer bloom phase, but regardless will occur before any serious flower development or maturation that you have to worry about. male preflowers will look similar the first few days you notice a little nub. However, they will multiply.. never sprout a hair and also project out from nook with a twig-like structure. You will see all of that long before it can produce viable pollen. lone nanners showing up in the flowers is less of an issue. they produce less pollen per day and sometimes isn't even viable. nanners are not a full compliment of male bits unless they pop out of a sac. go ahead and fight teh good fight except in extreme cases... pluck them out carefully. pollen sacs ... better to isolate the plant from rest of garden or trash it... if you only got 1 plant, maybe it is worth fighting for? i don't want to speak in absolutes, but the outcome is not likely to be good. 1 pollen sac opening with cicrculation fans running will cause 100s if not 1000s of seeds.... and since the plant naturally hermied, they are trash seeds you should throw out.
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