sea of green
limited number of plants that can fill space with a week or two ore of vege and bend them over horizontally.
you have a major motivation to limit height as much as you can. athis can make some thigns a pita, but it will be worth it if you want to maximize yield. sog is probably your best bet to do that in the least amount of tie. more pots means more work... shorter times between irrigation, likely with smaller pots too. it'd be smart to automate feeding if you can.
you'll want 30-35watts per sq ft per 12 hours depending on efficacy of lights to push up near top-end relative to atmospheric CO2 levels and a mostly uncontrolled environment. extremely cheap lights with unknown diodes you'll want 40w/sq ft or more. during vege you can take 70% of that, give or take. (technically 66% if 12 vs 18 hous and you''ve got right intensity+coverage dialed in for one or the other)
when you see "LM301" diode (h or b), depending on bin and how hard they are driven (watts per diode), efficacy can range wildly. bin alone can account for a 15% differene in efficacy. running them much higher than 0.5w/diode starts to really decrease efficacy...
efficacy is how much light it produces relative to heat, aka wasted energy. "umol/J" -- this will directly correlate 1:! to your electrical use while producing same number of photons per increment of time. many manufactures lie through their teeth on this speification. look up spec sheets on and guesstimate based on how hard they are driving it compared to 0.25w/diode. (spec sheet uses 5000K, so reduce reported umol/j another 5% or so for a more accurate baseline on samsung, but tehy don't lie at least... can't have specs hand-tailred to every single use possible.)