Usually, Light leak has to be quite extensive to actually show up on a PAR meter which is what the plants will see. If it reads 0 on a PAR meter, Even if there is minor light leak, It won't affect the plants. Cannabis plants self pollenate when they get very high levels of stress that cause the plant to think that it will not have a successful life cycle & needs to insure its reproduction cycle takes place by self-pollenating. This can be caused by highly stressful VPD's which a lot of new growers overlook entirely. Take a look at this graph & read this article, You will see what I mean. If you can supply me with your diary info in terms of lights on / lights off temps & RH points. We can reference them to the VPD chart and see if that is where the stress points are coming from. We will figure it out together man, Just follow me & DM me so we can chat it out.