
Can I use 18 on 6 off during flower when growing autoflowers and using ViparSpectra KS5000 LED at 100% power?

2ofyn52aUdHza4Ystarted grow question 2 years ago
I have a tent with a ViparSpectra KS5000 LED lights. If I am growing autoflowers and they are in the flower stage do I have to change the light/dark schedule from 18 on/6 off to 12 on/12 off or will it be ok to keep the lights on a 18/6 schedule since they are autoflowers?
Week 4
Setup. Lighting
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Most people keep autoflowers at 18/6 but in all honesty, they will grow in any light - even 12/12... but they won't perform as well at that lowered light frequency. I only grow autos and when I grow them in a tent, the lights are on 100% 24/7 and they do magnificently. At the moment, I'm growing some indoors AND outdoors... they are outside in the sun during the day and then I bring them in to a tent at night where they get the rest of the 24 hours from artificial lights... UNTIL they get too tall for the tent (which some are now) and then they stay outside 24/7 and get whatever length of sunlight nature provides. Good luck! p.s.... the 12/12 flip that you've probably heard of is for photoperiod plants - flipping their lights to that schedule tricks them into thinking it's time to go into flower.... autoflowers don't need that trick - they do it on their own schedule, light be damned...
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Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Autos and flowering = 18/6. 12/12 is only for photoperiod plants.
m0useketeeranswered grow question 2 years ago
Keep the cycle at 18/6
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