Spider mites and aphids. It really helps to maintain adequate airflow throughout the entire grow. Spider mites prefer still air. You could spray, but you’ll only do more damage. Chances you miss some aphids when spraying is substantial, or maybe some eggs hatch. Those spider mites are extremely challenging to get rid of with sprays. The potential you miss an egg or two is too high, and they can bounce back time and time again. Plus you’re likelihood of damaging the plant is high. I’d recommend improving airflow. And get some predatory mites, with those guys, they don’t make webs or bother your plant and they WILL eradicate every single spider mite. Then those aphids can be easily dealt with a small team of ladybugs. Aphids absolutely love dill. When prevention is easier than correction, you could germinate some dill in a pot for next grow, keep it nearby. Then you can spray the dill instead. Spider mites hate the wind.