I see several things going on here. It looks like you might have a powdery mildew issue and either a pH or calibration issue causing some lockout or just a simple lack of magnesium and probably iron. The interveinal stripes on a few leaves point to that. The curving/cupping of the leaves and super pale new growth are clues. You might check out the growweedeasy site for help on how to identify and combat basic problems. They have a lot of photos to help you figure things out and solid advice on how to combat problems. It’s a great site to study and learn from so your can ID issues early on and the advisors are folks that most of us trust, like Nebula Haze.
Please click on the grower's name that is answering your question to see their profile. There are fake accounts being created to look EXACTLY like real accounts - but they're easily identified by doing this.
STOP defoliating!
Less leaves = less energy being made = less growth/less health!
18/6 is optimum, 20/4 is just not enough "sleep" for your plant.
In soil it is a schedule of plain water/plain water/feed/plain water/plain water/feed.......
Damn, you want more?
powdery mildew can’t be stopped by simply drying out the atmosphere.
It's your environmental control, only takes one time of dewpoint when rh and temp conditions create dew to spore.
I see you have a help wanted sign for your powdery mildew problem that I'd use a product cannacure on.
What's the hourly rate? I need an uber to the hospital asap