
Over or underwater ? Or does it look fine

masonandjaydenstarted grow question 2 years ago
Does she look over/under watered
Leaves. Other
Coopmcanswered grow question 2 years ago
Depends if soil is dry water Her if it’s wet let it dry up before watering
BigbudzMageeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hello there...from what you said about watering 1 gal every 3 days...ive also done this in previous grows and i dicked myself. You cant get good run-off with 1 gallon in a 5 gal pot.So what happens is you get salt build ups in the soil witch block the roots from uptaking water and nutes. In my opinion you should flush the soil and start soaking your pots until about 10% run-off. My current grow did better with this method even though ive neglected them pretty hard this summer. Anyway...good luck friend 👍
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
You've told me the reason you haven't made a diary is that you've had your back fused 3 times in what, the past year? This is not something I would wish on my worst enemy!! But I will say this publicly to you here... if you have the few minutes to ask and post up a question, you can take a few more minutes and start a diary. Start from today... it only takes a few bits of information to start one and maybe 5 minutes of your time. Then tomorrow, spend 5 more minutes editing what you've put in today and hit the save button... and the next day maybe add another week to the diary... and then don't do anything on it until next week... I mean, there IS a way you can get us more information.. You've asked so many questions over the past months and always we're giving you guesses. Please start... a few keystrokes and you're on your way... tell us what strain you're growing... tell us it's indoor... tell us what lights you're using, tell us what nutes you're using.. c'mon, mate... just start! You may think you've got a LOT of work ahead of you to start one - but a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step....
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Can't tell from just a photograph.... overwatering and underwatering look pretty much exactly the same.
Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi It’s hard to say without seeing a picture of the soil.. gauge it by the weight of the plant/pot if it’s heavy and the soil is wet then it’s over watered, if it’s light in the soil is dry then it’s under watered.. Best of luck 🌱
hillmananswered grow question 2 years ago
It looks over watered. Fabric pots retain water better than plastic ones. I would stop watering until the leaves come back in shape. This could take from a few days up to more than a week, depending on tent environment. Substrate should be allowed to dry well between waterings, or it could lead to a disastrous root infection, depending on genetics.
masonandjaydenanswered grow question 2 years ago
I know you can’t say much off a picture but any guesses would help at the moment leaves just started dropping and I flipped it to flower about A week and half ago water about a gallon every 2-3 days with 5 gallon pots soil
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