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Yellow Leaves

magnumalessiostarted grow question 2 years ago
Ok guys, today is the 5th day without irrigate cause the soil was too wet.. now my leaves turn out like this. What do i need to do? Do i need to give them something? Every week i give them neem oil for invader so i think is not that problem.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GreenOrganicGermanyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Ich würde im Augenblick erstmal abwarten. Die überwässerung führt zum aufplatzen der Zellen. Dieser Schaden an den Zellen ist leider irreparabel. Die betroffenen Bereiche bilden nekrotische Flecken und sterben gegebenenfalls ab. Deine Pflanze scheint nicht tot zu sein bzw. abzusterben. Also würde ich abwarten und genau beobachten, wie sich der Neuwuchs, also frische junge Blätter entwickeln. So wie es ausschaut könnte da auch etwas an der kleinen genascht haben🤔 ich würde Gelbtafeln aufstellen und schauen was sich so herumtreibt. Das Neemöl erstmal absetzen. Schlecht ist es nicht, aber leider auch nicht sonderlich Zielgerichtet. Präventiv halte ich den Einsatz für ineffektiv😅
Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there It looks like there dropping from overwatering.. try let her dry out abit and she should perk up, Best of luck 🌱
maxkolonko123answered grow question 2 years ago
On top of it tips of your plant clawing downwards which is another sign of overwatering and it might overfed with nitrogen but we don't what nutes you used etc and how much
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maxkolonko123answered grow question 2 years ago
She look small and young what week she is on? I don't use any nutes till wk 3-4. Did u check runoff ph-ppm? I'm not pro but to me looks over watered if you think overfed her I would measure ppm of runoff and see where you are before flushing
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magnumalessioanswered grow question 2 years ago
Its just my thinking, but maybe i need to give them water with ph around 6 for rinse. While my holiday, i use a watering universal adapter with little bit of fertiliser. When i came back I didn’t give nothing to them cause soil was too wet. Today is the 5th day without irrigate so if my opinion is not wrong, there’s to much fertilisers still in the soil so they are drinking too much fertiliser. Do you know what i mean? So im thinking to give them water for rinse the soil and will be all right. Are you guys agree? Or do you think is another problem? Thanks
maxkolonko123answered grow question 2 years ago
Soil to me look really compacted hence maybe it's an overwatering
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