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Rootbound? Or something else?

SirBudstarted grow question 2 years ago
One of my plants is having droopy leaves at the top pretty much 24/7 lately. I thought it was overwatering but it didn't seem to be the case. Buds still continue to develop and otherwise, the plant looks healthy. Would transplanting still be an option at this stage?
Week 6
Leaves. Curl down
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
First and foremost... you do not want to EVER transplant an auto... that's the reason you want to germinate them in the pot they're going to finish in... so that's a big NO from me! Quite honestly, I think you're UNDERwatering here... droopy leaves are caused by either overwatering (the state of being constantly wet), underwatering or nitrogen toxicity... you're not giving them too much nitrogen and they certainly don't look like their growing in a swamp - so I'm fairly certain you're not giving them enough water... plants in flower will start drinking a lot and, if I'm not mistaken, you've got them in clay pots which will dry up the soil very quickly as well. Do not go by a set "every X number of days" when you water - you've got to go by what your plant tells you. Best way to do that is to lift the pot up to see how lightweight it is.... if it's light, give the plant a drink or a feed, whatever is next on their agenda... And don't be measely with the water.. get at least 10-20% runoff - really soak it, especially if they're growing in clay pots. Good luck!
Selected By The Grower
WeedManiacLoveanswered grow question 2 years ago
Bro, llego a ver que las hojas estan rizadas hacia arriba, eso es estrés por calor, en ese momento la planta requiere mas riego de lo habitual, te recomiendo regar despacio hasta que el riego drene por abajo, y aprovecha medir PH y TDS. Debes regar hasta que el sustrato haya perdido el 80% de su peso. Buenos humos! 👌
AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 years ago
i transplanted a lot, advised a lot , it works, but you have to do it right second week of flower middle of flower my advice would be do it when she would be ready for watering, give a lot beneficial root bacteria , and go 2x size pot upgrade, for roots to have 3-5 cm new ground on bottom and 2-3 cm on sides, its minimum, the bigger the better, i ended up runing out even with 50 liters pots, when auto was going to giant mode good luck
SirBudanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'm always picking my pot up daily and see if it needs watering and if I do I make sure to get some drainage. Both of my other plants get the same treatment and I always make sure that the soil never completely dries out. It's only this plant which is having this drooping problem. Even after I water the plant it continues to look droopy, same if it is a little dry, yet the plant seems to grow perfectly.
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
Looks underwatered and warm, to me. A good rule of thumb for watering a potted plant is to give it about 15% of water for how many gallons the pot holds. Also, stick your finger in the dirt to see if you can feel how moist the soil is. That's what I do to check if I need to water or not. If you're worried about drainage, drill some more holes in your pot. No harm in having extra drainage. I hope this helps.
GrowCNanswered grow question 2 years ago
You mention overwatering as a possibility. Do you stick your finger in the soil before watering to check and see if it needs water, or lift the pot to see if it feels light? When the line between dry and wet soil is between my first and second knuckle is when I water, and this applies to most types of plants in pots and houseplants. Every day I pick up each pot. Very soon you will learn what it feels like (weight) when wet and dry. I will put in a plug for growing in fabric pots. If you set the pot up on a few bricks then all sides of the pot get good oxygen exposure for the roots which helps prevent root problems and promotes vigorous growth. The fabric pot also makes it much more difficult to over water as any excess readily drains away. The fabric also makes it easy to just put your hand on the sides and bottom to feel for moisture. This is helpful when watering so you know you are wetting ALL the soil in the pot. And when checking to see if it needs watering wet sides or bottom tells you that it doesn't need more but bone dry sides and bottom say it's time to water.
Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there Drooping Leaves is normally over watering or under watering .. Seeing as she looks quite healthy im going to say under watering could be the issue, when u water make sure water is dripping out the bottom of the pot and dont let it get to dry, Best of luck 🌱
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