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Organic_Gstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hallo Freunde, Ich habe meine Blüten am Sonntag Abend geerntet. Das Graß ist noch nicht ganz Trocken um es problemlos rauchen zu können. Habe gelesen das THC A sich zu THC umwandelt und Psychoaktov wird, bedeutet es das das Weed noch potenter wird mit der Zeit?
Buds. Other
GrowCNanswered grow question 2 years ago
The trichomes and the THC they contain do degrade and oxidize over time. This is why you cure and store in a sealed, dark container to minimize the decay. So, you are correct that it does change over time just not the "high" portion. The conversion to a psychoactive form is largely a product of temperature and how long it is held at that high temperature. Most information I have read lists 80c (176f) as the lower end for this conversion. This is why you heat (decarboxylate) the weed before making edibles. Even cooking doesn't heat it hot enough for long enough time so it is done as a separate step. Smoking and vaporizers work by heating the flower. The intense heat of burning almost immediately makes the conversion while in a vaporizer at a low temperature may take a few seconds. Curing is a totally different process and does not significantly affect the psychoactivity. It can have a huge impact on flavor, aroma and long term storability... but not the high.
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Selected By The Grower
Majinstaticanswered grow question 2 years ago
Sure thing, proper drying and curing is a key for potent and tasty smoke.
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Aldo90answered grow question 2 years ago
10-14 in a dry tent. After that you'll be able to smoke some without any issues. But a minimum 2 week cure will give you a much more enjoyable smoke
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HiddenMessageanswered grow question 2 years ago
I've contemplated this many a times. what I have found is that yes, in short. but is it the actual thc getting stronger? or is it the smoke of cured bud that much more enjoyable making the high more enjoyable? I do not have the exact answer from science. but from experience letting it cure definitely makes the high more enjoyable, and it does seem to make the weed slightly stronger. im only 6 grows in tho so im still learning to cure properly becuz im usually to impatient. but I will say 100 % you can make amazing bud some reggie by curing it wrong.
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Organic_Ganswered grow question 2 years ago
Ergänzungen : Die Wirkung ist nicht ganz wie gewünscht und ich frage mich, ob das Curing die Wirlung noch positiv beeinflussen wird, da ich auch gelesen habe das THC A durch Hitze ( beim Rauchen ) zu THC umgewandelt wird. Würde dies nicht der Wirkung gleich kommen auch wenn der THC a Anteil über die Zeit zu THC wird ? Oder verändert es sich noch im laufe des Curings zum positiven? Das Aussehen und die Trichome haben sich über die letzten Tage etwas verändert als zu Beginn der Ernte.
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