Probably curing when the have too much moisture content.
A dry bud will be about 20% of it's original weight give or take. It shoudln't be much above that when you start curing process, otherwise you have to take them out for periods of time to further dry.. "sweating" is a term often used when the moisture deeper in material evens out while sealed in a jar and the exterior feels moist again, or more pliable at the least.
2-way humidity packets can help, but if they are sweating, you often need to take them out.. duration depends on severity and may be required more than 1 time. Any jar this is occurring, i'd be watchful anytime i place the buds back in... was it enough? you gotta open it up after X hours and check. I wouldn't leave it overnight without making sure tehy didn't sweat so much they are moist again on outside.
microbial growth in a sealed jar is not a good thing. basically making a little anaerobic bacteria incubation chamber, lol. Air it out often those initial weeks... once no longer losing any weight and clearly at equilibrium with temp / RH provided, you can leave them sealed for longer periods of time. You probably want to open them up occasionally, though, to further avoid any odd smells.. pickle-smell is another bad one, lol..