As someone who only grows autos, let me tell you they're looking great! Every single grow, though, I have the same feeling about my ladies - worried they're not growing fast enough. You should start a diary, you really should - especially since it's your first grow and questions/worries are bound to come up - and if you don't have a diary, then we won't have the information we need to help you out. But what I do with my diaries is to take a daily picture of them and add it to the diary... doing that, it's easy to see the ladies really ARE growing, usually much faster than I've been able to ascertain by just eyeballing them every day! Take a look at the beginning weeks of this diary of mine:
You'll want to start giving them some veg nutes about now but start off VERY slowly - only give them 1/4-1/2 strength at first to see how they tolerate them... if they like them, you can increase the dosage but rarely do autoflowers like full strength nutes... And be aware that autos can go into pre-flower as early as week 3 so your nutes can also include some bloom nutes - they won't hurt the plant at all even at this stage and it'll help prepare them for pre-flower and flower. As they get into flower, you're going to want to be reducing your grow nutes since those are usually heavy on nitrogen and while plants in flower need SOME nitrogen, they don't need/don't like the amount they need in veg...
Good luck! Do start a diary - and don't worry! They're looking very good!