If you go by a calendar to figure out when you give them water and when you don't, you're bound to run into trouble... let your PLANT tell you when it's time to water. The drooping leaves come either from over-watering or under-watering or a nitrogen toxicity but my bet, looking at your photos, is that it has something to do with your watering regimen... Lift the pot up - if you feel any weight in it, wait to give it water/nutes... if it's super lightweight, it's time for a drink. Lift them up every day.... And when you water, make sure the water is not just "dripping" from the bottom - you want at least a 10-20% runoff which will clear out excess nutes and any salts that might be building up. Different plants will take a different amount of water at different intervals... just "read" your plants....
Good luck!