She wants to grow that's for sure, 9 cardinal rules have to be in some form of conjunction, how is the drainage on your soil? Adequate aeration is as important as water, id hazard a guess you are suffocating the roots in those plastic death cups, leaves are full of water but unable to breathe, loss of breathing inhibits growth, puncture a 100 holes all around that plant pot and underneath, have a fan directly blast air on the plants, Air pruning pots would eradicate overwatering given the soil has adequate amendments to hold moisture. Id also get a probe to the canopy level and adjust the height of the plant so the leaf canopy reaches around 85 Farenheight, with the extra water buildup in the soil you will want to maximize water uptake through root absorption via photosynthesis, optimal photosynthesis is achieved at a leaf surface temp of 86, anything above 86 will tell the plant to inhibit growth so make sure to keep raising it up as the plant grows. She is beautiful, she just needs a little more air in that soil, more drainage more air, only water her the next time she looks that droopy, let her tell you when its time, she is a weed after all, but a lazy weed, fat and sick full of water.