Hi there... Unfortunately, the way in which you're attempting to ask this grower a question isn't going to get to him. This is a weird site in that respect! The Questions Page does not notify anyone even if you tag them... the way to chat with another grower is to use the little paper airplane icon at the very bottom right hand corner of any screen... when you click on it, you'll be able to search for a grower by name and then send them a message (which is private). If the little paper airplane is green, it means you have a message from someone and you can go look and respond... The hope is going to be that freedomgrow420 ALSO knows about this feature... if you don't get a response, you can go comment on his mimosa diary and try your question that way. It took me several months of using this site before I even knew people were commenting much less anything about the chat feature... So good luck!