
Creatine on plants

Spadastarted grow question a year ago
creatine on plants ? for germination or for vegetation ?
Feeding. Other
Gold1answered grow question a year ago
Yes, not only do I recommend daily creatine feedings for your plants, but I also recommend you load her up on some whey protein isolate as well for those massive gains. 2 scoops of double chocolate protein, 1 tsp of creatine monohydrate, and then optionally a tbsp of caffeinated preworkout will make your plant fukkin' shredded. I'm talking large, rotund, juicy and stacked plants that will mog the hell out of any other plant in your garden. Scientifically your plants will go from a power bottom to a chad alpha top. They'll be walking around taking lunch money from the other plants. Just make sure you don't feed them steroids less you want to be killed in your sleep.
MrPotatoeanswered grow question a year ago
At first like the others, wtf, then, creatine is used to increase ATP so why not, plants use it too. I also found another study from 2021 about phosphocreatine - didn't read it. If some plant additives contain citrates because it's involved in the Krebs cycle, then the thinking doesn't seem absurd to me. I'd tend to agree with Benzels. When the ec is way too low, like with RO, the plant will drink more water than necessary and it can be detrimental. But i have no idea if the plant stores more water because of creatine like we do. And i also do flush sometimes with RO... Why not trying?
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
are you useing the one journal BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF CREATININE AND CREATINE ON GROWTH by jj skinner from 1912? I'ma pass on this one. maybe post your sources and why you want to use this. seems to expensive anyway and not need. Good Luck!
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Benzelsanswered grow question a year ago
No. LOLS. Just no. For starters, look at what it does, you dont really want that effect in plants anyways. If they store too much water in their cells, the walls of the cells bust and the plant suffers. What I have tried, and has worked, is to use high protein milk in my compost mix and give it a few months to break down the milk proteins into nitrogen. You then also get all the milk minerals. But no bro. I have creatine powder too. I wouldnt put it on my plants.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
They'll grow nice big muscles i bet. Though i'm not sure there's much proof behind that supposed correlation. Hey if you throw enough ideas at a wall, you'll get lucky with one right?
Billyandbarbanswered grow question a year ago
Lol what in the actual F
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