You can't really see clear pictures of the thrichomes. Yes you can see the amber ones on the sugar leaves. But that isn't what we want to see. We want to see the thrichomes on the buds, more importantly the ones in the cracks and crevices of the buds.
It requires atleast 30x magnification and 60x is better.
Ac infinity sells a 60x loop for ten bucks. Get one!
Harvest your plant depending on the desired effect you want.
Everyone has their desired effect, so what's yours?
100% cloudy thrichs for a uplifting cerebral head high.
30-50% amber thrichomes and the rest cloudy for a couch locked sedative body stoned high.
10-20% amber colored thrichomes and the rest cloudy for a all are good smoke.
If you don't know harvest some at each phase of the thrichomes colors. Keep those labels so you know. When drying and curing is done, you will be able to smoke each of the different percentages of cloudy VS amber. Then you will know for next you what you prefer.
But 10-20% amber and the rest cloudy is a good number to shoot for. Make sure to check all buds! Low and high from all sides of the plant and get a good overall idea of the plant. Don't just check the tops only.