what you do helps a plant meet its potential, but you can never force a plant beyond its potential by overfeeding. There is no magic supplement that will turn average sized buds into donkey dicks.
Push boundaries of feeding as best you can, but be realistic if you see toxicities forming... don't continue to burn the shit out of a canopy just because the peanut gallery says to boost P/K in flower. there are upper limits to feeding. Dial back when you see toxicities. Keep track of how much you feed and how frequently etc etc... these things take weeks and sometimes months before a symptom caused by feeding presents itself. Worse problems show up quickly.
Genetics is primary factor for how well a plant yields. You cannot polish a turd, otherwise. (not saying you plant is a turd - just a generalization to emphasize the point)
35-40 DLI && well-fed == as big of a harvest that plant can provide given ambient co2 and avoiding extreme VPD ranges. tighter environmental control, supplementing CO2 will require higher DLI and will result in better yields. Genetics is the limit on potential.