Why would you trash it? unless it's fucking up other plans... even then you've put a lot of time into it already.
it happens.. either they didnt follow the procedure to virtually gaurantee the trait or they mis-packaged a photoperiod seed. i think it takes a few generations of breeding to make the math workout to ~100% autoflower. if some science deniers decided to skimp on this process, that could lead to non-autos being produced. it really is just a matter of math when it comes to genetics.
whether auto or photo, the things that add up to bud density are the same. you don't actualyl treat an autoflower differently. some peopel beleive they need to feed them less, but that's just because they overfeed photoperiods, bwahaha.
In this case looks liek weak light is the cause.. it can be genetics too. If providing ~30+ DLI, shouldn't see fox tailing, twiggy spirals of calyxes. That would point toward genetics. If you are providing good levels of DLI, then it's a shit gentics plant. extreme heat can cause spiraling too, but easy to know if that was true or not.. you've been in the room and felt it.
a marijuana plant is a plant.. it's just a plant. nothign too unique or special about either. the seem to need a bit more Mg than other similar flowering plants. General research points toward a 4-2-1 ratio of K-Ca-Mg, but anytime i've attempted that it ends up with a Mg-deficiency. Even so, it's a better starting point than "bro science" nonsense. A bunch of esoteric and overcomplicated procedures and products, bwahaha. it is akin to masturbation.