
When to harvest?

Dude147started grow question 10 months ago
Hello everyone,I need your help What do you think? how long does it take to harvest at least main cola?Some fan leaves are getting yellow, almost all leaf blades are brown.I think she is at the end of the life cycle, but there are no amber trichomes at all.Thanks a lot
Week 10
Leaves. Edges burnt
Other. Harvest - Curing
Other. General questions
Organomananswered grow question 10 months ago
You still have approx 2 weeks to go. Forget about various flushing methods............just stop all fertilizers/nutrients 2 weeks before harvest. Once there are 95-98% brown pistils you will be in the harvest window. 95-98% brown pistils usually corresponds with 10-30% amber trichomes quite reliably.
Selected By The Grower
Dude147answered grow question 10 months ago
@Organoman, That's exactly what I'm gonna do, thanks for competent answer and happy growing ! ✊
Dude147answered grow question 10 months ago
@Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Are you sure about that? Because I watched a lot of videos about flushing, some youtubers are flushing their plants 21(!) days long before harvesting and as a new grower, I have no reason not to trust them. - there are results of a study about flushing, you can watch it if interested. - There is also video about lab results, how darkness before harvesting is affecting THC level (and not only) of the plant. By the way, I highly appreciate that you took a time and tried to solve my problem. ✊ Happy growing !
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 10 months ago
> So i'm going to flush it with PH balanced water for 7 days, then let her be in darknes for 48 hours and then to harvest. Hell no! You can flush a bit if you want the last 2 or 3 days. But any longer and it will have the opposite effect on taste and your plant just gonna starve. And 48 hours of darkness is dangerous. The longer a plant is in the dark, the more it breathes out. And if it breathes out for too long, it starts to deteriorate. But it is also true that in the dark, because of the absence of photosythesis, the sap and all the minerals it contains return to the roots. That's why you need to cut in the dark and let the flowers rest before putting them under a light. But 10 hours in the dark is more than enough for that.
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 10 months ago
Unfortunately some strains just take forever to turn amber. At this point just wait until the pistils are brown and the trichomes are cloudy then go ahead and harvest her.
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BzzBudanswered grow question 10 months ago
An option is to harvest in waves. First take some, after week take another part and then the rest. In my opinion the flower is not ready because too much white pistils - it seems just started to ripening. But maybe you have all milky trichomes and prefer it to have it exactly this way, because you know the strain very well. Otherwise I would say wait at least 3 weeks more...
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Dude147answered grow question 10 months ago
I wanted to harvest her the day after tomorrow, but today changed my mind (again) So i'm going to flush it with PH balanced water for 7 days, then let her be in darknes for 48 hours and then to harvest. I think that plan is the best so far, I don't really think, it needs more then 9 days to be ready. Still waiting for your answers.
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 10 months ago
Some strains take forever to push amber. It's also common to get some fall transition colors to fan leaves. There are still a bunch of white pistils on your flowers, give it longer. Don't trip on those fan leaves. Now if the sugar leaves start doin that your probably about ready.
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