
Best UVA Time, Alone or with LED

uptown4lifestarted grow question 6 months ago
When using UVA is it better to use at the start of the day or end of the day{lights on/off} and do i use the UVA alone or with the light ,Or is it better to split the time,{ 1/2 UVA time with lights off and then 2nd half 1/2 with lights on}. or vice versa?
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Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 6 months ago
> UVA stresses the plant in hopes it causes an uptick of trichome production. UV-B. It's UV-B. And it raise the production of Flavonoids and Terpenes **inside** the trichomes. And it's not stress. When you tan, UV rays don't stress your skin, they just destroy the surface. > It has nothing to do with photosynthesis or providing energy to the plant. 😎 > I don't do it so i don't know. But, make no doubt. You're watching the Director's Cut > this is about causing damage to the plant and the effect is hopefully an overpr… Shit. He's rig… > …an overprodcution of trichomes. Almost. > I don't say this to create doubt in the effectiveness of UVA, just to outline the mechanics of it. Don't worry. Everything you say creates doubt. We're getting used to it. > I've seen proper research that shows the effect of UVA on THC% is statistically significant, but the amplitude of that effect is never given. UV-B. It's UV-B. And you missed the part about the HUGE amount of energy provided to the plant. > I don't invest heavily into maybes or small fractions of a percent improvements. Quoted. > wheher you use it with lights off or on probably won't make 1 bit of difference, So that the photons you throw at the plant are used for photosynthesis and don't disturb the flower in bloom, right? Oh wait...
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 6 months ago
> I don't do it so i don't know. Yeah, clearly. If you could refrain from blathering on about something you don't know, it would save having to debunk.
Polyphemusanswered grow question 6 months ago
UVA stresses the plant in hopes it causes an uptick of trichome production. It has nothing to do with photosynthesis or providing energy to the plant. So, use this in flower only when trichomes are being producted. Use it during light hours so you don't interrupt any dark cycles of photoperiod plants. how intense and how long? no idea, but i'm sure armed with the umol/s production of the UVA lights in use and the area of coverage you can find some excellent recommendations with a simple google search. I don't do it so i don't know. But, make no doubt.. this is about causing damage to the plant and the effect is hopefully an overprodcution of trichomes - not ulike a damaged branched healing back thicker in that spot. I don't say this to create doubt in the effectiveness of UVA, just to outline the mechanics of it. I've seen proper research that shows the effect of UVA on THC% is statistically significant, but the amplitude of that effect is never given. Being "statistically significant" alone does not make it worthwhile. I don't invest heavily into maybes or small fractions of a percent improvements. wheher you use it with lights off or on probably won't make 1 bit of difference, but it could probably fuck with a photoperiod plant, if interrupting it's dark period during flower, which is the only time to make use of UVA. Keep it simple.. just use it with lights on because there's no reason not to do so. trial and error will get you there... too much uva will definitely cause visible damage.
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 6 months ago
What kind of UV-A light?
uptown4lifeanswered grow question 6 months ago
If my LED lights go off at 12 do i run UV lights 11-12 with LED lights or 11:30-12:30 or 12-1 without LED lights on? i hope you understand what i'm trying to describe.
Ultravioletanswered grow question 6 months ago
Use UV last half of daylight hours for best result.
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