
DWC bucket grow

Nofeckingclue79started grow question 7 months ago
As you can see the first 3 photos are of the plant I'm having problems with but grown in exactly the same conditions as the second plant same nutrients and so on does anyone have any suggestions would be much appreciated
Week 7
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Ganjagrandaddyanswered grow question 7 months ago
agree on the air issue if the buckets receive the same feed. Once those roots close off from the toxicity, they hit the stored chlorophyll and start cannibalising. The new growth is also hit as it emerges so hasn't had the chance to get any nutes . air bubbles ideally need to be 'popping" on the surface a little and not just be big bubbles either. it is the disturbance at the surface that is the beneficial oxygen exchange. waterfalls are the golden standard for the best example. hope you sort it
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 7 months ago
Hello my friend, this is clearly a root problem. Check if the roots are healthy, and like the others said check the grow system if it does provide enough oxygen. It can be caused by both but it is definitely a root issue not a deficiency.
m0useanswered grow question 7 months ago
Kinda looks like it might be a PH issues to me on the leaves. Maybe from root rot like suggested below. or lack of oxygen. If your piggy backing the buckets this might be the cause if every bucket does not have its own air stone or form of aeration in it. Good Luck!
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Ctrellis90answered grow question 7 months ago
Even though it's the same plant, it's a different Pheno. That being said, she might require a bit different feeding. I would lower your ppm for this lady because she's a little toasty is what it looks like to me. She just doesn't like as much feed as the other is all.
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 7 months ago
I'm with AutoflowersSuck: could be root rot. But make sure it's not the airstone that's clogged up first. ^^ Polyphemus: not KISS, as usual… And if you'd turned on your eyes before mansplaining, you'd have realised that nutrients aren't the problem here, as both plants have the same sauce.
Polyphemusanswered grow question 7 months ago
Some formulas are better than others, even if they work well seed to harvest with "a" plant, it may not be the same with others. A 1-1-2 NPK ratio and 4-2-1 K:Ca:Mg is what research says works best -- at ~6.0 pH, give or take a couple tenths. Compare what you are mixing up and consider trying this.. These are ballpark numbers. My weighted average %of mass ratios for these things is 8.1% N / 8.9% P / 14.2% K / 7.2% Ca / 3.9% Mg -- you can see these are not exactly those ratios but are close. I almost never see a plant with tox or deficiency symptoms no matter how many strains I am growing off the same reservoir and across 5 years of use, so far. Some small thngs can happen, but the progress slow and easy to correct. these minor corrections for 1 plant have not caused an issue with others, so far. PPMs 120s 60 180+ 100+ 50-80 this would be a light 1.2-1.3 concentration with 100ppm give or take of S. The ratios shouldn't need much adjustment, but overall concentration may. e.g. if you use co2 and tightly control environment etc etc.. can' probably feed higher concentration than a less environmentally-controlled grow. More light will increase metabolism to a point, too, which would result in a greater need for building blocks per day to match growth rate. A plant with esoteric nutrient needs is a reflection of a shitty breeder, imo, relative to a formula that works for 95% of plants i've ever grown. 1/20... that's just poor selection of plants with shit-ass traits in regard to feeding... probably for some superficial trait that has nothing to do with bud quality, LOL like what color the leaves change in senescence or what looks prettier for a picture on the internet in lieu of traits of more importance, like unusual sensitivities to one or more ingredients in ferts. Not saying that is what you have.. if your formula is drastically different, i'd wager it has more to do with the formula of that nutrient system. While the ingredients are commodities of no differing qualities, some follow existing knowledge base and some think they are better than generational knowledge just because 'this' formula worked for some grower that is not popular.. read about hte se various "inert name"'s formula... all they had to do was look up existing knowledge and save a whole lot of effort.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 7 months ago
Check the roots. Sounds like you got a rot issue goin on.
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