
How much to feed after repotting

Eirheartstarted grow question 5 months ago
Going to repot into a 26L pot, have been feeding 40ml so far of feed. After I move it too the new pot do I use just water to keep the soil moist and then add in a little bit of feed afterwards? I'm u sure of really how to water/feed.
Week 1
Feeding. Other
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 5 months ago
Hello my friend, because you use coco coir you always need to feed because this medium does not contain any nutrients from itself. You can use a light nutrient solution with EC 1.0 and ofcourse pH 5.8
Ctrellis90answered grow question 5 months ago
So you're using Coco as a growing medium and that's a little tricky for first time growers because you have to pH it properly and pre load it with nutrients before hand. I recommend starting with something easier like promix HP or Coast of Maine. A more well balanced soil that you don't have to add everything to. That being said if you're going with the Coco, you're going to have to properly pH your medium with loaded nutrients for early vegetation. A ppm of around 200 and a pH of 6 is what your Coco should be at before you transplant into it. Good luck brother.
Organomananswered grow question 5 months ago
If transplanting into fresh, quality soil. fertilizers may not be needed for the first 3 weeks or so. Transplantng and feeding immediately is a no-no...........wait at least 5 days for the plant to settle and recover from the transplant shock if using anything other than good quality soil. Soaking with seaweed (kelp) extract before transplanting, then watering the fresh transplant with seaweed extract afterwards can help minimize any transplant shock.
HazeLNutsanswered grow question 5 months ago
U can water with fertilizer after repotting. I suggest u to use something to develop solid root system. It would faster the growth of young plant. Dont use too much vegetative fertilizer, cause of nutri's already existing in soil. Watering dosages should be small at this stage, around 50-100ml each day. Keeping moisture but not dampening. If u have any more questions about it, u can feel free to contact me. Bless
m0useanswered grow question 5 months ago
Typically I feed and transplant the same day, this is what I've done in soil grows and its never done any wrong. Keeo the new soil moist but not waterlogged encourages the new roots to grow that way. Good Luck!
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